In 1981, the Water Management Lands Trust Fund (WMLTF) was established for acquisition of lands. This fund, commonly known as the Save Our Rivers (SOR) program, is used by the five water management districts for the management, maintenance and protection of lands so that they may maintain their natural state and functions.
In 1990, the Florida Legislature also passed the Florida Preservation 2000 (P2000) Act. The P2000 Act includes the preservation of fish and wildlife habitat, of lands in danger of development and of water recharge areas. Both SOR and P2000 lands are widely used for recreational activities.
The Florida Forever Act was passed as a successor to P2000. This act not only focuses on conservation and preservation, but also on water resources development, restoration and recreation. Over the next decade it will provide $3 billion to purchase land and water resources to preserve Florida’s quality of life. Each water management district is required to develop a Florida Forever Five-Year Work Plan. These work plans must incorporate the Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) plans, SOR plans, stormwater management plans, water body restoration projects and other projects that would lead to meeting the goals for the Florida Forever program.