The management of the Green Swamp involves the coordinated efforts of many different agencies and organizations. The District is the lead agency responsible for regulating, protecting, preserving, restoring and making available for public use the water resources and lands of the Green Swamp Wilderness Preserve.
In many instances, public land in the Green Swamp is managed cooperatively by more than one agency, with assistance from volunteers and the private sector. The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is concerned with the health and natural balance of the area’s fish and wildlife and popular game species. They run public hunts in the Preserve and on other state-owned lands. The Division of Recreation and Parks supervises the area’s Van Fleet State Trail, while the Division of Forestry oversees the forested lands in the Richloam Tract.
To manage the diverse ecosystem of the Green Swamp, the District and other agencies use a variety of techniques designed to enhance and protect the various habitats. These include wetlands and uplands restoration, prescribed burning, land maintenance, timber management, monitoring of wildlife and the control of invasive species.